SROC     Street League Results         Wednesday                 26th January  2005


Event   7                                                           Penwortham



75  Mins        Long        

                                              Score          Time          Pen          Net          /hr


1        Paul           Ferguson          M54          SROC          660          76:02          20          640          512

2        David          Hargreaves      M54          SROC          610          74:58                610          488

3        John          Britton          M54          MDOC          610          75:30          10          600          480

4=     Edward          Mellor          M36          SELOC          580          76:30          30          550          440

4=     Paul          Turner          M47          SELOC          550          75:07          0          550          440

6=     John          Ashton          M55          SROC          510          72:42                510                  408

6=     Chris          Rostron          M58          MDOC          510          74:35                510          408

8        Andy          Quickfall          M47          SROC          470          73:53                470          376

9        Jim          Doherty          M41          PH          380          74:29                380          304



60  Mins        Standard

1        Chris          Roberts          M47          SROC          420          55:14                420       

          & Rebecca              Roberts          W17          SROC

2        Moz          Kitching           M45          SROC          400          57:22                400

3        Mike          Ormerod          M62          SROC          390          58:08                390

4        Rowena          Browne          W42          SROC          400          61:00          20          380

5        Glenys          Ferguson          W54          SROC          370          56:57                370

6        Jon          Carberry          M43          SROC   

          &   Sarah Watkins          W30          SROC          360          55:56                360

7        David          Johnstone        M62          SROC          320          60:08          0          320

8=     Ian          Evans          M64          SROC          290          58:14                290

8=     Arabella          Woodrow       W50          TAY          290          59:30                290

8=     Bill          Lock          M63          SROC          290          59:58                290

11      Dawn          Lock          W60          SROC          290          61:10          20          270

12      Peter          Knott          M67          SROC           300          63:00          60          240

13      Catherine          Kitching          W32          SROC

          &   Liz          Peak          W32          NFAC          230          56:42                230



30 - 60 Mins         Short / Novices / Visitors        ( Scores adjusted to 60 minutes equivalent )


Novices on   30 – 60   need not declare a target time,  but are penalized if over 60mins

                                              Cat/Tgt          Score          Time          Pen          Net          /hr

1        Martyn          Roome          M52          SROC          52          340          51:24                340          392       

          &   Sue          Roome          W52          SROC

2        John          Hickman          M44          FMC          N          410          61:38          30          380          380       

3        Frances          Watkins          W47          SROC          30          180          28:30                180          360

4        Liam          Greenwood      M9          SROC          N          200          52:48                200          227

          &   Linda          Greenwood      W38          SROC

5        Leonie          Greenwood      W14          SROC          N          150          48:53                150          184

          &   Brian          Greenwood      M46          SROC

6        Les          Ward          M70          FMC          N          230          63:15          65          165          165



Planners Comments


Thanks to Les who checked the map, hopefully the next time Penwortham will have a new map. Thanks to Sue for her help on the night.


Most  of the controls caused little problem though I am not sure whether we need a maximum height for telegraph poles for those of us who are vertically challenged, which now includes Moz !!!


Yet again the Vials team have been hard at work, though sometimes they bunked off to the park leaving it to the adults. Somehow playing at the park doesn’t count as exercise.


I hope everyone enjoyed themselves at least the weather was better than last year. See you all at the next event.



As Janet mentions, the 1991 map by Tim has served us well, and now needs a new edition to catch up with urban developments and OCAD style presentation.  The pedestrians-prohibited bypass and park exits are just two of the difficulties.  Is anyone in a position to help either at the ground survey checks, redrawing or supervising level ?


Good performances this time, among others, came from Paul F, David H, Edward, Moz and  Chris Rostron, all significantly improving their League scores.  A welcome too to Arabella Woodrow, our most Northerly visitor since Elisa Niemi went home to Finland.  I hope Arabella will join us again if she remains Salford based for the next month.


For anyone wanting a flat road race later in the year I have entry forms available for both the Freckleton  Half-Marathon on 19th June,  and the 20th Wesham 10K on 26th November.
