South  Ribble  Night  Street  League                           2003 / 2004


Final  Scoring  Rate  Table    after    10   Events                                                                    7th April   2004



Qualification:    4  Events minimum                 Presented as  %  of  best rate / hr


Using  BOF 2004 Age classes  Note: Distance Factors between courses no longer being used


                                           Event Scores                                   Total

                                                                   Long  Lyth        B-l-S Bisp  Kirk                 Cott                   Lanc Thor GtH Ley      l   Best 5


1       Ali         Welsh         M43         SROC         100         -         100         Org         100         (95)         100         -         (99)         -         500

2       Paul         Ferguson         M53         SROC         96         95         (92)         100         (83)         100         (91)         98         (88)         (94)         489

3       Paul         Turner         M46         SELOC         -         100         (46)         94         (90)         95         (88)         (14)         100         96         485

4       John         Britton         M53         MDOC         92         98         (75)         (83)         (86)         (88)         (82)         100         94         100         484

5       David         Kesby         M35         SROC         (72)         -         (80)         89         Org         100         -         91         -         90         463

6       Karen          Nash         W43         SROC         (80)         92         (69)         (85)         (79)         Org         85         (84)         86         [90]         441

7       Steve         Wrigley         M41         FMC         -         (74)         (64)         87         92         -         (61)         88         83         78         428

8       Maureen Ashton         W52         PFO

         &  John   Ashton         M55         SROC         91         [90]         -         (63)         (75)         -         84         -         Org         76         426

9       Frances         Watkins         W45         SROC         -         79         -         (68)         Org         98         (66)         (64)         83         74         418

10     Edward         Mellor         M35         SELOC         -         -         -         (62)         (74)         92         75         89         77         80         413


11     Moz         Kitching         M45         SROC         -         89         (64)         67         82         -         (41)         [77]         -         84         399

12     Brian         Looker          M65         SROC         76         (65)         (59)         (67)         74         83         -         82         (71)         Org         394

13     Dave         Hargreaves M53         SROC         -         89         (62)         65         -         -         (63)         Org         72         85         389

14     Mike         Ormerod         M61         SROC         [80]         (63)         (63)         (60)         73         -         71         88         74         (67)         386

15     Glenys         Ferguson         W54         SROC         68         82         72         (65)         (67)         75         (62)         (67)         72         (65)         369

16     Mary         Wheeler         W53         SROC

          &  Mike   Ormerod         M61         SROC         80         63         63         60         (73)         -         (71)         [88]         (74)         (67)         367

17     Richard         Catlow         M55         PFO         73         77         -         (46)         60         -         73         -         Org         -         354

18     Chris         Rostron         M57         MDOC         -         78         60         63         -         (46)         70         81         -         -         352

19     Rowena         Browne         W42         SROC         65         -         (46)         -         70         75         Org         -         -         70         350

20     Sarah         Watkins         W30         SROC

         &  Jon         Carberry         M43         SROC         [88]         -         Org         (48)         -         -         60         63         53         (85)         330

21     Chris         Nash         M8         SROC

         &  Bob         Nash         M60         SROC         (80)         62         -         (50)         (57)         62         58         (45)         61         [90]         333

22     Bill         Lock         M62         SROC         -         Org         (53)         (55)         61         (52)         56         -         64         80         326

23     Les         Davies         M47         SROC         64         64         62         -         -         54         -         -         68         -         312

24     Sue         Roome         W52         SROC

         & Martyn  Roome         M52         SROC         66         79         -         46         -         -         55         (42)         -         71         317


25     Catherine  Taylor         W31         SROC

         &  Liz         Peak         W32         NFAC         (49)         51         (29)         (33)         (40)         -         52         [77]         56         63         299

26     Peter          Knott         M67         SROC         62         70         -         -         -         (40)         50         Org         56         -         298

27     Chris         Packman         M40         FMC         -         61         -         66         -         66         -         70         -         -         263

28     Janet          Vials         W44         SROC         55         54         -         (44)         -         Org         (26)         (45)         49         48         258

29     Dawn         Lock         W59         SROC         -         47         43         (1)         (28)         54         (39)         -         60         49         253

30     Ian         Evans         M63         SROC         52         44         (16)         Org         -         44         (36)         (33)         42         -         228

31     Sue         Denmark         W54         SROC

           &  John Denmark         M57         SROC         -         59         50         45         [70]         (60)         -         (23)         -         -         224


South  Ribble  Night  Street  League           2003 / 2004



Improvement over your best of previous 3 years                   7th April   2004


                                                                                          2004         Prev

                                                                                  Score          Best                Improvement


1        Frances          Watkins          W45          SROC          8          671          575          +96                  2nd      SL

2        Brian          Looker           M65          SROC          9          621          565          +56                  1st   SVM

3        David          Kesby          M35          SROC          7          487          440          +47                  Improver   1

4        Ali          Welsh          M43          SROC          7          571          555          +16                  2nd     SM

5        Catherine          Taylor          W31          SROC          [8]          392          380          +12                  Improver   2

          (with  Liz          Peak)          W32          NFAC   

6        John          Britton          M53          MDOC          10          621          610          +11                  2nd    VM

7        Paul          Ferguson          M53          SROC          10          627          620          +7                    1st     VM

8        Paul          Turner          M46          SELOC          9          573          570          +3                    1st      SM

9        Glenys          Ferguson          W54          SROC          10          665          665          0                      1st      VL




Congratulations to all these improvers and especially to Frances, Brian and Dave.  I do not quite understand how Frances who was on crutches after Christmas, and still manages to lead the table.  We should have given her a prize as the laziest, or most occasional competitor, in the previous years when BAe had her traveling around rather more often.


Brian has been one of the few people whose performances have improved after retirement instead of being more injured more often.


Catherine’s improvement is due to ditching me as a race partner, and not having to carry Samuel around the courses.


The negative changes are available to anyone interested, or wishing to check my arithmetic.  The ‘previous’ value will remain the best of a rolling 3 years period, and so a single deliberate poor year will not win you a prize the next year.




Hard luck.


Commiserations to Moz and Peter, who missed the consolation prizes by the thinnest of margins.


Good luck to David Hargreaves,  who was similarly close, but  through my dodgy arithmetic was presented with a bottle, which no doubt will be emptied before we meet again.



South  Ribble  Night  Street  League         2003 / 2004



Final  Age Handicapped  Tables                                                   7th April   2004




Qualification:    4  events minimum                 Presented as  %  of  best rate / hr



Using  BOF 2004 Age classes



    Speed    Events            Total                        Factored

Ladies                                Ratio            Best 4


1        Karen           Nash          W43          SROC          .657          10          441                  671          1st   SL

2        Glenys          Ferguson          W54          SROC          .555          10          369                  665          1st  VL

3        Frances          Watkins          W45          SROC          .638          8          418                  655          2nd  SL

4        Rowena          Browne          W42          SROC          .666          6          350                  525          500+

5        Dawn          Lock          W59          SROC          .508          8          253                  498          2nd VL

6        Janet           Vials          W44          SROC          .648          8          258                  398








1        Maureen          Ashton          W52          PFO          .573

          John          Ashton          M55          PFO          .759          [7]          426          711                  1st   Pair

2        Mary          Wheeler          M53          SROC          .564

          Mike          Ormerod          M61          SROC          .690          [5]          367          599                  2nd  Pair

3        Sue          Roome          W52          SROC          .573

          & Martyn          Roome          M52          SROC              6          317          553                  500+

4        Chris          Nash          M8          SROC          .690

          &  Bob          Nash          M60          SROC          .703          [9]          333          489                  Junior

5        Sarah          Watkins          W30          SROC          .778

          &  Jon          Carberry          M43          SROC          .875          [6]          330          404

6        Catherine          Taylor          W31          SROC          .769

          &  Liz          Peak          W32          NFAC           .760          [9]          299          392

7        Sue          Denmark          W54          SROC          .555

          &  John          Denmark          M57          SROC          .738          [4]          224          299


South  Ribble  Night  Street  League         2003 / 2004



Final  Age Handicapped  Tables                                                                 7th  April    2004



Qualification:    4  events minimum                 Presented as  %  of  best rate / hr


Using  BOF 2004 Age classes                          Note:   Distance Factors no longer being used




    Speed    Events            Total            Factored   Ave

Senior  Men                         Ratio                    Best 4


1        Paul          Turner          M46          SELOC          .847          9          485          573                  1st    SM

2        Ali          Welsh          M43          SROC          .875          7          500          571                  2nd   SM

3        Steve          Wrigley          M41          FMC          .893          8          428          479                  1st New 

4        David          Kesby          M35          SROC          .950          7          463          487                  400+

5        Moz          Kitching          M45          SROC          .857          7          399          466

6        Edward          Mellor          M35          SELOC          .950          7          413          435                  400+

7        Les          Davies          M47          SROC          .838          6          312          372

8        Chris          Packman          M40          FMC          .902          4          263          292




Veteran  Men  ( M50+ )


1        Paul           Ferguson          M53          SROC          .780          10          489          627                  1st     VM

=2     Brian          Looker           M65          SROC          .634          9          394          621                  1st   SVM

=2     John          Britton          M53          MDOC          .780          10          484          621                  2nd    VM

4        Mike          Ormerod          M61          SROC          .690          [7]          386          559                  2nd  SVM

5        Dave           Hargreaves      M53          SROC          .780          7          389          499

6        Peter          Knott          M67          SROC          .600          6          298          497

7        Bill          Lock          M62          SROC          .679          8          326          480

8        Chris          Rostron          M57          MDOC          .738          6          352          477

9        Richard          Catlow          M55          PFO          .759          6          354          466

10      Ian          Evans          M63          SROC          .663          8          228          344




          Organisers are credited with the average of their best 4 events in these tables for their own



          ( n )  in Scoring Rate table denotes an event not in your scoring best 5 events.


          [ n ]  for pairs indicates an event with either a run with non-regular pairing, or a solo run.


          Only one non-regular pairs run will count for the championship when short of the final 5.


          Any pair results, with appropriate age-factor, may count towards individual championship.


          Appeals for any other variations, to ensure fair play, may be considered by a sub-committee

          chosen from SROC Committee members who run regularly in these Events