Present: Dick Collins, Martyn Roome, Sarah Watkins, Quentin Harding, Chris
Roberts, Steve McLean, Rowena Browne, Karen Nash
Apologies: Alex Finch, Peter Knott, Katrin Harding
produce a new membership list shortly, once more renewals are confirmed. Hope
to offer this electronically but need to offer people the chance to opt out
ACTION KN1. All renewals done via
BOF now but Friends need to be invited to renew ACTION KN1 We have about 105 membership units, not including guests. Most
mail from BOF is now electronic and so can be forwarded and not left to
5. Mapping
(no AF)
* Printer- not working, choices are repair, replace or
see if we can manage without. Given high cost of repair and quick turn around
and high quality from printers we decided to see if we can manage without. Now
need to report to Paul F and agree to sell the bits ACTION MR1
* waterproof maps- generally seem good, stick when
damp so man power issue at start.
* Wellington Wood- need a firm answer on permissions
so we can map it (ask for volunteer in club?), we have grant. ACTION DH1
* Roeburndale M Campbells map was v good
* Farleton Fell Malcolm is
wanting a deadline ACTION AF1
and DC has not reached a decision for 2008. It was discussed again and then
voted on.
unanimously that rules for Juniors and adults should be the same.
6:3 that a person could only win 1 trophy (this would usually be your age class
but could be a different age class if you do not win your own age class) This
now needs to be communicated to members, statistician etc via web and
newsletter ACTION DC + KN1
June in
Ceilidh- tickets on sale, need to
sell more at Handicap, thanks to efforts of those involved.
accom SW had researched 2 costed
options, now need to decide if a booking would be taken up ACTION MR1. JK accom
SW may not go so no group booking, add this to above ACTION MR1. Club Diner agreed Fri 14 March,
possible venue Forton House, agreed to keep cost under
good size entry. Relays will be published in newsletter and at Handicap, will
need manager on day if SW does not go to JK. Club of Year do we have a
chance? possibly ACTION SW + MR1