The squad has a number of aims:

a)    To develop in individual squad members the orienteering skills needed to take part in orienteering events, at whatever level they happen to be

b)    To develop a sense of togetherness and team spirit amongst the squad members

c)    To encourage and support South Ribble Junior Squad teams in competing in inter-club events such as the Yvette Baker Trophy, Peter Palmer, JK and British relays

d)   To prepare members of the squad for eventual entry into the North West Junior Squad

e)   Above all, to provide an experience that is fun, positive, healthy and safe

Training and Coaching Sessions

These are put on to give juniors regular and meaningful orienteering practice, and are led by qualified and CRB cleared coaches, supported by other experienced adults and parents. There is at least one dedicated squad session a month, normally held on a Saturday afternoon, with occasional whole-day sessions. Junior members are also encouraged to attend the Club Night, held in the Sports Hall a Ripley St Thomas School, Lancaster, on Tuesday evenings during the Autumn/Spring terms, and at Lancaster University during the Summer term.

There is a charge of £1.00 for each session to cover basic costs of mapping, printing etc. Juniors of any ability and level of experience are welcome, with coaching/training tailored to individual capabilities. However, the sessions expect individuals to operate independently and in a disciplined way so are unlikely to be suitable for juniors younger than 8/9 years of age. Although it will be possible to join the squad without being a member of SROC, it is expected that after a period of time club membership will be obtained.

Most sessions are outdoors and involve running on variable terrain, so footwear and clothing needs to be appropriate. In general, trainers, full leg cover, running tops, waterproofs are required.

Key Personnel/Contacts

Julian Lailey: Club Chairman and Junior Squad Co-ordinator
Mark Edwards: Club Captain and Lead Junior Coach
Charlotte Jackson: Junior Coach
Sue Roome: Club Welfare Officer
Helen Ockenden: Junior Committee Member


Are you interested? Then contact to book your place on the next squad training day!

Information for SRJS coaches.

SROC has a club Welfare Officer (Sue Roome). Sue’s role is to help protect young people and vulnerable adults within the club. Here are some more details about what she does.

You can earn badges for finding controls! Look at the Explorer Challenge Award on the British Schools Orienteering Association website.




Last Updated: 23.02.13