SROC CompassSport Cup & Trophy heat



Simpson Ground Level B event Sunday 12th March 2017

SROC are hosting a first round heat of this year's competition and welcome members of LOC, MDOC, WCOC (in the Cup) and BL, SOLWAY & PFO (in the Trophy).

SROC Home Page  Entries  Course Details  Dogs   Final Details   Parking/Assembly Starts Terrain and map  Start Lists   Results  Photos Officials 

Results: Results by course and class, including split times.  Team results: CompassSport Cup CompassSport Trophy All results on one page (PDF)  Winsplits On-line  Splitsbrowser  RouteGadget  Mapper's/Planner's comments

Start Lists Download pdfs of the start list ordered by club and by course, or view the list on line.

Entries: Entries for CompassSport courses are via Club Captains who will have been contacted individually.

There will be White, Yellow and Light Green courses available, although these are not part of the CompassSport competition. These courses may be pre-entered via club captains, or may be entered on the day. No start times will be allocated for W, Y and LG.


There will be no entries on the day for any of the CompassSport courses (courses 1-9).


Entry Fees: Adults £10. Juniors/students £5.


SI card hire £1:00 per event. £30.00 charge if lost.


SROC Simpson Ground course details

To remain competitive in the competition captains should enter their runners in the appropriate classes. Runners may run up and still score, but if running down they will be non-competitive.

CS Class CompassSport Course BOF Age Classes Class Size Length Climb Start Scale
1 Brown Men Open Large 7.3 290 Long 1:10,000
2 Short Brown M20- M40+ Large 6.1 250 Long 1:10,000
3 Blue Women Women Open Large 5.4 150 Long 1:10,000
4 Blue Men M50+ Large 5.4 150 Long 1:10,000
5 Green Women W20- W45+ Large 4.1 100 Long 1:10,000
6 Green Men M60+ Large 4.1 85 Long 1:10,000
7 Veterans Short Green M70+ W60+ Large 3.1 100 Short 1:7,500
8A Junior Men (Green) Men 18- Small 4.1 85 Long 1:10,000
8B Junior Women (Short Green) Women 18- Small 3.1 100 Short 1:7,500
9A Orange Men Men 14- Small 2.6 50 Short 1:7,500
9B Orange Women Women 14- Small 2.6 50 Short 1:7,500
Light Green 2.9 90 Short 1:7,500
Yellow 2.0 40 Short 1:7,500
White 1.3 10 Short 1:7,500



Please note: Course 8A is the same as Course 6, Course 8B is the same as Course 7 and Courses 9A and 9B are both the same but each course/class will be scored, and results shown, separately.


Dogs: Dogs are allowed provided they are kept on a lead. 


Final Details: Download final details here (pdf). 


Parking/Assembly: Car Parking will be signed from Junction of A590 and minor road to Staveley in Cartmel at Chapel House. Parking will be on Forestry tracks within Simpson Ground Forest itself. Coaches would be a problem, but Camper Vans with good traction can make it. Parking may be up to 1.5 km from the Starts. There will be a separate start for White, Yellow, Light Green, Orange and Vet Short Green/Junior Women approximately 1km from the main start. Finish is 500m from Assembly.

Assembly will include Registration open 10.00-12.00, toilets, clothing dump, download and results display. There is room for club tents.



Starts: There will be two starts. The Long Course Start is around 300m from Assembly, the Short Course Start is around 1.5km from Assembly but closer to much of the car parking. Start times for all courses 10.30-12.30. Courses close 2.30.


Terrain and map: Courses will be in the forest area and also the open complex fell adjacent to the forest. Map Scale 1:10,000 5m contours for longer courses and 1:7,500 for courses from the short course start. Follow this link to see a copy of a previous map of the area.


Photos: please email your photos or links to


Organiser: Dave Hargreaves SROC 01257 2231330   07821 105928
Planner: Alex Finch SROC
Controller: Mike Atherton LOC & Tony Richardson LOC


Last Updated : 14.03.17