LOC Planners’ Course
Saturday 6th March 2010
10am – 5pm
Would you like to learn how
to plan?
Maybe you’ve already done
some planning, but never attended a course?
This course will take you
through all the various steps involved in planning colour-coded courses, from
white to brown, including:
Doing the armchair
Choosing and
tagging control sites
Preparing course
maps for printing
Organising your control
boxes and flags
Evaluating your
courses after the event
If you would like to attend
this course, or would like to find out more about the course, please email or
phone Mike Atherton or Dick Towler as soon as possible.
Mike Atherton, mike@atherton.go-plus.net, 01539
Dick Towler, dick@acorn.plus.com, 07771 998554